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Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full - Hallo friend FULL VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD GAMES , SOFTWARE , TEMPLATE , EBOK ETC, Sharing software on the game and this time entitled Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full, I have provided a complete game with the download link and crack. hopefully the game and software content of posts I wrote this for you can understand. Okay, here's the game and the software.

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 atau biasa disebut PES 6 adalah game sepak bola seri ke 6 pada tahun 2006.PES 6 adalah game bola yang sangat digemari oleh gamers bola,dikarenakan garfik yang bagus,dan juga spesifikasi komputer pun tidak terlalu tinggi.Game PES6  ini bermaterikan pemain yang ada pada tahun 2006.
 Minimum System Requirements:
  • CPU       Intel Pentium III 800MHz or equivalent processor (Athlon/Duron/Celeron)
  • RAM      256 MB RAM
  • VGA       NVIDIA GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon 8500 video card SUPPORTED CHIPSETS:
    1.  NVIDIA - GeForce 6800, GeForce FX (5950, 5900, 5800, 5600, 5200), GeForce4 Ti, GeForce3
    2.  ATI - Radeon x800, 9800, 9700, 9600, 9500, 9200, 9000, 8500
  • DX         DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc 1)
  • OS         Windows 2000/XP
  • HDD      1.5GB free hard disk space
  • Sound   DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
Download Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full
Password RAR: softsharest  

NEW Link : Download PES 6 Full Version  

Article : Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full
article Title : Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full

Thus articles Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full

A few games and software Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, so the post game and software this time.

You're reading an article Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6) Full and this article is a url permalink Hopefully this article This can be useful.

Posting Komentar

  1. yang part 2 gan gak jadi

  2. yang part 2 gan gak jadi

  3. Please Reupload Part 8 Please..

  4. No, Part 8 is corrupt. its says The file you attempted to download is an archive that is part of a set of archives. MediaFire does not support unlimited downloads of split archives and the limit for this file has been reached. MediaFire understands the need for users to transfer very large or split archives, up to 10GB per file, and we offer this service starting at $1.50 per month.

    We have informed the owner that sharing of this file has been limited and how they can resolve this issue.

  5. Please Reupload part 8, i want to play Pes6 :'(..and Your Blog was awesome! :D

  6. @Sayed Hafizh I cant its same as the old link :'(

  7. PART 8 nya ada masalah bro.. yg lain lancar.. mohon di bantu ya...

  8. gan ada problem ni, wkt nge ekstrak di kompi ane file setup-1.bin error/corrupt. :(
    gmna srannya n moga blog ni maju jaya terus !

    1. bro punya yang part 1 g? ni tak download g bisa bisa.. klo ada link lain ,,mhn berbagi,,, trmksh

  9. mas part 1 nya tidak bisa didownload
    cuma muncul
    The file you attempted to download is an archive that is encrypted or password protected. MediaFire does not support unlimited downloads of encrypted or password protected archives and the limit for this file has been reached. MediaFire understands the need for users to transfer encrypted and secured files, we offer this service starting at $1.50 per month.

  10. iya part 1 g bisa di download,,, nanggung gan,,,

  11. linknya pada mati

  12. gi mana cara nginstalnya ini om"game nya sudah ter download tp saya gak bisa ngistlanya""???

  13. Gan, ane download yg new link tu. terus pas udah kejoin. mau ngeestract. file setup2nya corup gan :( solusinya dulu dong gan :( maaf pake akun anonymous. Google account ngak bisa kebuka

  14. mas bos, tutor instal nya gmna ???
    mohon bantuannya, matursuwun .....

    1. tapi waktu sampai di instalasi setup2, ada peringatan bahwa setup2 corrupt .......
      solusinya gmna bos ????
      pdahal sdah sy download smpe part 12 ....

  15. sob postingannya sangat bermanfaat bagi saya karna saya lagi butuh udh cari kemana2 tapi gak ketemu dan akhirnya nemu di blog sobat , TERIMAKASIH banyak sob sudah di upload ulang...

  16. gan ente pake wirrar versi berapa ??

  17. gan pas extract kok setup bin -2 corupt?

  18. yah.... sudah capek2 download tau2nya filenya error... kecewa saya

  19. file corutp smua, payah
    nunggu lama . dpt nya kosong

  20. bos part 1 kok rar.gak kebaca di hj split

  21. gan...ada checksumnya gak?
    supaya bisa tau file yg diunduh corrupt atau gak...

  22. ya bosss setup 2 bin nya gak ada.coba boss download sendiri.dan lihat hasilnya.

  23. Part 6 : error bro

  24. Thanks Gan Tolong Pertahankan Tuch Link Niech posting Niech Ane Dah Bisa Nginstall Gamennya 100% Sampe Mainnya Juga

    Sukses Terus Bung

    Edo rachman dani junanto

  25. gan cape download semua part ko filenya corupt pas di extract

  26. sialan corrupt semuanya...

  27. gan. ane kan udah donlot semua tuh pas di ektrak setup2 nya corrupt. ane kudu donlot semua lagi atau sebagian aja nih? kalo iya yang part ke berapa?

  28. teu kahartos kang ah, rieut kieu kmha nya ? hese di download na kang

  29. ane udah download semua, download hjsplit jg udah buat nyatuin semua. udah nyatu semua sih, tp pas extract ga completed karena setup2 corrupt kan.
    note : ane klik "setup.exe" aja lho

  30. Kayaknya bagus juga nih game pes nya :) blog anda keren gan, kalau berkenan kunjungi juga blog saya ( MestiQui )

  31. gan, setup-2.bin error waktu diinstall

  32. "setup-2.bin corrupt"
    tolong solusinya gan....
